Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Commemorative 50th post

Originally uploaded by tommygunns.
The 50th post since recorded history.
Here are the stats of people who have got a thank you for something along the way.
Looks Like Ayresie just pipped in front of Jez in total Kudos competition.
I wanted to get stats for comments but blogger doesn't let you search comments. I searched through gmail and tried to decipher all these anonymous comments at least 7 from formica so he gets the crown, although Dave would be right up there as he wrote a lot before I switched on email notifications and he doesn't make me decipher who is writing.

Hopefully something interesting will happen soon. At least its got a few more people blogging - check out the links on the right. Its a good way to record stuff.


Anonymous said...

Nice analysis Tom... when did you say my cheque was coming?

penfold said...

Work must be slow these days ah tom?