Thursday, May 25, 2006

Go Socceroos

Went to the G for Australia vs Greece friendly. Pretty awesome. Qualifying for the world cup really captured everyones imagination. It was a capacity crowd and the atmosphere was awesome. Australia took it 1 nil. We are in good form going in. It was also a good excuse for Magoo and I to wear our retro aussie cricket tops.

Tino takes-off

At 3 today my awesome buddy Valentin begins his 5 and a half month round the world adventure. This will be the first time he has ever been in an airplane.
Here is what I can remember from his plans:
UK: London, Ireland, all the major stops in Western Europe down to Barthelona and Greece.
Visiting family(he has never met before) in Croatia and Germany attending weddings and Oktoberfest.
Then off to America Vegas, New York Niagara Falls Hawaii.
I'm super jealous, spastically excited and will miss him ridiculously.
I started a blog for him but doubt he will use it.Just in case check out: tino's travels
Have Fun you lucky bastard!

My mate I've know from childhood Kosmo, left last Tuesday for Poland as well as an extended European tour. And Chicken Magoo is making final preparations for his European adventure leaving 2 weeks from now. He will be blogging ferociously here.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Coffee with Mark "Jacko" Jackson and Warwick Capper

Saw some unexpected patrons at our usual maltitude morning coffee. The Energizer man got a bit annoyed I got my coffee before him since he ordered first. Spent most of morning coffee just eavesdropping on the celebrity conversation. They hogged all the newspapers as well.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Last Gradiator VBall Match

YMCA Flagstaff Gardens lunchtime corporate competition.Top work coach Murph for organizing the squad for this league. Thanks to our core females Svetlana, Lucy and Nelsie. And the girls who had a hit Jae, Tracy and Julie. Original gradiators who stayed true Libero Jerry, slammin' AB and the K-Jam (who has since been traded to the Brisbane League).

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Mountain Biking Castlemaine

Mountain Biking Castlemaine
Originally uploaded by tommygunns.
Thanks Tim for organizing, Grant for transporting bikes and Pete for the lift. Castlemaine has some awesome singletrack. The weather went hail to sun to freezing wind then repeat. Check out a few of the action picks. If you want to download the larger size click "all sizes" in Flickr.
  • The black forest
  • Grant chillin out
  • Aaron snacking
  • Tim checkin the map
  • Petey
  • Biker gang
  • Biker gang
  • Pete contemplating the road ahead

    Click the images below to see the full size:

    Photo Courtesy of Tim's Collection

    Photo courtesy of Felix's collection

    Photo courtesy of Felix's collection
  • Tuesday, May 02, 2006

    Stephen K Amos at the Council Chambers

    Top work coach Murphy for organizing this.
    Lining up outside the council chambers Luke got sidebumped by a big scary black dude who ended up being Stephen K Amos himself.
    We sat what we thought was a safe distance away but it ended up being possibly the worst seat in the house nearly everyone of us getting hell. I was singled out by Stephen acting as the Prince of some-African-nation-or-other as being the representative of Germany and was then blamed for the world wars or something. Luke and I were asked our names and jobs and I stuttered a bit and have now officially been granted a new knickname (I'm sure it will die off soon). Possibly the funniest was when Steve D had to go early because his band paradigm shift was playing at the ding dong lounge that night. Steve had to walk right up to the stage to get out. Steve's response to the inevitable questioning was that he had to go to the dunny. Stephen had a gag planned for his return. When he finally lost his patience and asked us where he actually went Stephen went into a tirade about going to a show for only 10 mins and made some rather colourful analogies. At one point he almost convinced the entire audience to rock up at Steve's gig and leave after 10 mins. Very entertaining guy check him out if you get the chance (but sit back a bit further then the second row).