Saturday, November 18, 2006

U2 @ the Tdome

Caught U2 supported by Kanye west with Jay and the new well travelled Tino. Thanks heaps to Megan for organizing tickets. The show was truly awesome. Check out the rest of Bianca's picks by clicking the image above.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Pookies B'day, Amanda's B'day

Birthday Barbie at Pookies apartment:

Amandas Birthday drinks at Jinga Janga bar with drunken Jenga and Foozball.
Running around Nth Melb.
Karaoke down a dodgy alley in chinatown:

It was a good day.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Kiwi Bob's Derby Day B'day

Click image for rest of Murphs photos from the day.

Top Work coach Murphy for getting there early and reserving prime position (apologies again for the Tom Time Delay (c)). Apologies to top hat Desira for piking on being his top hat partner with the poor excuse that it would clash with my suit (I regret that now). Check out the recruitment image for next years Derby Day below:

Great work Pete and Chrissy for the pre-race champagne brekkie. Click below for Peteys pics from the day plenty of random horse puppet photos: